MAY ꢀꢁꢀꢂ
Many questions from our May 2023 Q&A were also answered in our previous online sessions.
APSCA website.
Q: What are the priorities for APSCA in 2023?
Some priorities for APSCA in 2023 include expanding the capacity of Auditors through a job
board, expanding our external engagement to influence pending legislation and promote the
value of Social Compliance Auditors in human rights due diligence, and reviewal of APSCA’s
governance, developing a process for establishment of a CSCA council, to name a few.
Q: Do all audit programs automatically use all Member Firms?
No, while APSCA encourages organizations to use Member Firms over non-Member Firms, it’s
not mandatory to use every Member Firm for every program. Depending on the size of the
program, dealing with that many programs is not practical.
Q: What are the new changes being introduced as part of APSCA’s enhanced funding model?
Effective July 1, ꢀꢁꢀꢂ, a $15 audit fee will be added to programs who have identified their support
of our phased approach. These programs are amfori/BSCI, Sedex/SMETA, WRAP and SA8000.
From January 1, ꢀꢁꢀꢃ, Member Firm annual APSCA Membership fees will be tiered: $5,ꢁꢁꢁ for C
Firms, $1ꢀ,ꢁꢁꢁ for B Firms, and $15,ꢁꢁꢁ for A Firms.
Document is noted at the bottom of the page.
Q: How can we expand the capacity of Auditors and match them with Firms willing to train
non-enrolled Auditors?
We are working with an IT group to develop a job board that can support the connection of auditors
and Member Firms. This will enable Auditors to find Member Firms who are open to training
Auditors not yet enrolled with APSCA and support them through the process.
Q: What external engagement activities had APSCA been involved in?
We engaged with external parties in USA and Europe during ꢀꢁꢀꢀ to influence pending legislation
related to Social Compliance audits, human rights due diligence, and liability placed on individual
Auditors. This engagement is continuing throughout 2023 and we are currently in conversation
with various EU organizations providing guidance regarding social compliance auditing.
Q: When and where will the Annual Meeting of Members and Stakeholders (AMM) take place?
TheAMMwillbe held at the offices ofThe Coca-Cola CompanyinAtlanta, Georgia, on November16th
and 17th. There will also be CPD-eligible training on November 15th. Both the AMM and the training
will be held in a hybrid fashion, meaning you have the option to attend in person or virtually. Please
APSCA Frequently Asked Questions – Q&A – Governance, Strategy, Funding, Membership & CPD - May 2023
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