Frequently Asked Questions - Exams
Q: Why are there three different prices for the Part III exam?
There are three language lists (list A, B, and C). The translation costs vary depending on
the language and translation company used. The pricing is based on the charges from the
translators, and the exams are operated at cost.
Q: What if I believe my translator may have incorrectly translated a statement during the exam?
If you suspect a mistranslation by your translator during the exam, you should immediately
stop them, repeat what you said and ask them to translate again. Work with the translator and
the interviewer as a team to clarify your message. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if you
don’t understand a question from the interviewer. The translator is there to work with you to
achieve the best result.
Q: Can an Auditor bring their own translator to the exam?
No, Auditors cannot bring their own translator to the exam. The translation services provided
are approved by APSCA.
Q: Is it possible to have a native Brazilian translator for APSCA?
APSCA has recently engaged two Portuguese Brazilian translators who are trained and
supporting the exam process.
Q: How should I indicate my language preference for my Part III exam?
It is recommended that you specify the languages you speak and your proficiency level in
your APSCA profile. If you want to take the exam in a language other than English, Chinese
or Spanish, you should select the ‘alternate language’ option when booking your exam.
There is then a place to type your preferred language. Just like the Part I & II exams, the
Part III Alternate Language exam presents in English, and you can right-click translate to
your language of choice. You can move back and forth between English and your other
language as many times as you feel necessary.
Q: Is there an anonymous way to provide feedback for interviewers or translators?
While sending an email is not anonymous, APSCA treats all feedback confidentially. Feedback
is valued and supports our ability to identify areas of improvement. Complaints and comments
are reviewed, and afterwards calibration sessions are conducted to address issues with
Q: What is the deadline and availability for Part III exams?
The deadline for the Part III alternative language exam was May 30th, 2023. All RA Auditors
who did not have a Part III exam booked in Calendly, and it had been 90+ days since receiving
their Part II results, were moved to ASCA in early June 2023 (there were less than 40 Auditors
that this applied to). RA Auditors who had a Part III exam booked and confirmed in Calendly
prior to the end of September remain RA until their results are issued. Availability for exams
may vary, but it is suggested to book the earliest available date and keep checking Calendly
for places to become available due to cancellations and rescheduling.
APSCA Frequently Asked Questions – Q&A – Exams - May 2023
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