Annual Updates - Frequently Asked Questions
1ꢄ. Can we book exams now for the end of May?
Yes, and we urge you to book as early as possible, particularly for Part III exams as we have limited
11. Is it possible to reduce the cost of the Part ꢁ exam?
APSCA budgets all the exams at cost, in fact as we mentioned at the Annual Meeting in December
2022, some of the exams are budgeted at a slight loss. There are multiple people involved in the
Part III Exam starting with APSCA’s administrative staff, we have the Interviewer, and, in the case of
the Alternate Language Exam, there is also a translator in addition to ProctorU.
12. What are 4 tips for the Part III Exam, that Auditors sometimes forget?
• Listen very carefully to the responses being given within the scenario by the Interviewer
they will give hints to potential issues, for you to further investigate.
• Use your investigation skills to fully understand what is going on in the scenario, and ask
follow-up questions like who, what, where, when and how.
• Keep asking questions, as long as you are asking the right questions you will receive
the information you need. There are no misguided answers provided by the interviewer. If
you hear the answer “I am not sure” or “I don’t know” this could be two things - you need to
try and rephrase your question and ask this in a different way, or, if you hear I am not sure
or I don’t know more than one time, it is a prompt to change direction in your follow up
• Note-taking will reinforce what is in the scenario and what you should investigate – notes
are not scored but they assist in answering the final question within the scenario and keep
you focussed. You may take notes in your preferred language.
13. The Proctor regards the call of Prayer being too noisy, and one time closed the Exam.
Is this something you can assist with?
We encourage you to pre-warn the Proctor that this may happen during your exam. You can also
email the Exam Team if your exam is scheduled during this time and they can place an
accommodation on your ProctorU profile to alert the Proctor.
14. Is there any demo for the Part III Exam to be available soon?
• By the end of January, a video of what to expect when sitting the Part III Exam, what the
screen setup is like, etc. will be made available.
• This will be a 2-Part document, Part A – instructions, scenarios, topics, laws etc. and Part B.
– a study guide on how to use the content for practice interviews.
• The Part III Exam Guide to Success has now been updated, and within it, you can find a
practice scenario, new support material on what to expect in the exam, how the scoring
works, and what the Interviewers are looking for during the scenarios as part of their
scoring. It will also include tips from the Interviewers about taking notes, listening carefully
for hints within the scenarios, a reminder to not make assumptions, asking follow-up
questions, and finding 1 key issue is sometimes not enough.
APSCA Annual Updates - Governance/IT/Exams: Frequently Asked Questions - Feb 2023