Annual Updates - Frequently Asked Questions
ꢀ2. Can we select Mandatory or Elective topics for updating the training record in our profile?
ꢀ3. Does exam preparation count as CPD?
If you completed a training course which was relevant to the Competency Framework then yes, it
could be applied for CPD. Self-Study for Exam prep is not CPD eligible.
ꢀ4. Does the exam time count as CPD?
ꢀ5. What do we mean by Mandatory and Elective topics?
Bucket #1 Mandatory – courses everyone had to complete on core subjects.
Bucket #2 Elective – courses you could choose which were interesting to you and
complementary to your course of study/work.
independent study.
ꢀ6. Will the same mandatory training identified be expected to be carried out every year?
Mandatory training topics will likely change from year to year.
ꢀ7. I have ꢄ different opportunity topics related to the competency framework in all parts of
the exam. Is it mandatory to take trainings for these ALL topics?
work toward it. You need to complete 16 hours of mandatory topics training per year (including
2 hours of Ethics training in 2022), it is ok if it takes you several years to obtain training on all the
opportunity topics.
ꢀ8. What is the mechanism for getting listed under APSCA approved/recognzed CPD training?
Follow the Expression of Interest process outlined on the APSCA CPD Page and submit the
information about the course using the form.ꢀTrainingꢀCoursesꢀandꢀTrainingꢀProvidersꢀmustꢀ
ꢀ9. How long does it take to hear back from APSCA on the acceptance of training that was
applied for?
APSCA was overwhelmed by the number of courses submitted for approval in 2022. A delay in
planned process automation added to a delay in processing requests. By Q4 all requests were
reviewed within 30 days of submission. We expect to improve this turnaround time in 2023.
APSCA Annual Updates - CPD POLICIES Frequently Asked Questions - Feb 2023