APSCA Social Media Guidance
Guidance Statement
Social Media has become a ubiquitous and dynamic method for communication. It is widely used both
professionally and personally, and enables interactive, rather than one-dimensional discourse
between its users. Social Media's ability to facilitate discussion has the potential to create
opportunities and risks for membership organizations such as APSCA. This policy intends to provide
guidance to all APSCA Members and encourages those to uphold our mission to enhance the
professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations performing
independent social compliance audits.
This guideline should be read in conjunction with the following documents which can be found on
APSCA Website:
Social Media Guidelines
1. Members should adhere to APSCA's Code, Competency Framework, and Guides when using
social media in their capacity as an APSCA Member, or with reference to APSCA.
2. Members should be aware that APSCA, its Member Firms and their ultimate clients may
observe content and information made available through social media. Members should use
their best judgment to avoid posting material that is confidential, inappropriate, or
unduly harmful to APSCA, its employees, its Members or relevant clients associated
with APSCA.
Examples include:
2.1. Posting commentary, content, or images gathered whilst conducting a Social
Compliance audit or related services.
2.2. Posting false information regarding APSCA or its Members. This includes
information intended to defame or harass APSCA or its Members.
2.3. Posting in the public domain any information that is considered confidential. If there
are questions about what is deemed to be confidential, Members should refer to 4.2
Confidentiality in the Code or seek guidance from their supervisors/ management
or the APSCA Ethics Team.
Document Name:
Version & Date:
APSCA Social Media Guidance T-037
Version 1 – March 2022
Author/Owner: APSCA Code & Compliance Team
Authorized by: APSCA President & CEO
Date Printed: 17 March 2022
This document is no longer version controlled once printed.
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