Newsletter & Press Releases

APSCA Newsletter – December 2019

31/12/2019 - No Comments

​The AGM and Stakeholder Event offered an opportunity to reflect on the year’s achievements. During 2019 a total of 1,848 CSCA examinations were administered including Parts I – III. 1,671 auditors successfully completed Part I,  while 119 completed Part II and 58 Part III.

Following the release of the refined Member Firm application process, eight new Provisional Member Firms joined APSCA in 2019 while three fulfilled requirements to obtain full membership status. Auditor membership increased 30% during the year with total Member Auditors reaching 4,145.

As a means to preserve growing integrity, 2019 saw the introduction of our Disciplinary Board with a mandate to reinforce member accountability. As APSCA grows, the  Board will continue to address allegations of misconduct and impose sanctions where necessary.

Accepting both the opportunities and challenges ahead, APSCA continues to strengthen industry credibility – working today in preparation for tomorrow.

APSCA Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event

APSCA’s 2019 Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event was held in Shenzhen on 11 December with over 130 in attendance.  The event reflected on achievements across the three (3) pillars of Validation, Governance and Processes and Systems.

The highlight of the day was the recognition of 41 Member Auditors who form the first group to achieve Certified Social Compliance Auditor (CSCA) status. While all 41 CSCAs could not be present, we were pleased to congratulate fourteen (14) in person at the AGM & Stakeholder Event

Above: First CSCAs announced at the 2019 Stakeholder Event (CSCAs in Attendance).

In addition, APSCA announced Full Member Firms including Accordia, SGS and ARCHE Advisors.

Above Left to Right: Rona Starr (APSCA), Richard Ingrao (Accordia), Effie Marinos (SGS), and Greg Gardner (ARCHE Advisors), Avedis Seferian (Executive Board Chair).

Above Left: Panel Discussion – APSCA’s Impact: Benefits, Challenges and Future Opportunities. Above Right: Scarlet Wang (CSCA Auditor) participated in the panel, remarking with respect to the CSCA Examinations “Don’t be scared of the exam but take it seriously. Read the Auditor Handbook carefully”.

Above: Stakeholder Event attendees.

For more photographs and highlights, visit our AGM and Stakeholder Event Page
Press Release available here

The 2019 Annual Report can be downloaded here

Announcing Pathway 3 – Competency Framework Update 

APSCA’s latest version of the Competency Framework (available here) now includes a third pathway in which Member Auditors can qualify for Registered Level Auditor (RA) status. 

Please refer to our Competency Framework for a detailed outline of required qualifications to be considered eligible for RA status through Pathway 3. 

​Reminder – Now on the Website – Use of APSCA Number (Member Auditor Guide)

To help inform and support our Members with the proper use of Member Auditor’s APSCA Number, this guide addresses key uses of an Auditor’s membership number as noted under APSCA’s Code and Standards of Professional Conduct and Competency Framework.  Learn more here.

Website Accessibility

​We have become aware the APSCA website is no longer accessible in China. While we continue to work on a solution, please contact us if you require any information or access to forms and documents.  An update will be provided in January 2020.

CSCA Exam Part I 
A total of 1,671 CSCA Part I exams have been completed to date with the pass rate remaining at 81%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 13% of scheduled exams have not been completed. Of these uncompleted exams, some 56% were due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam) and 39% due to IT issues.

CSCA Exam Part II
A total of 119 CSCA Part II exams have been completed with a pass rate of 66%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 7% of scheduled exams have not been completed due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam) and or IT issues

CSCA Exam Part III
We are pleased to announce completion of the initial round of the CSCA Part III examinations delivered our first Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCA) during November. This significant achievement was celebrated at the recent AGM & Stakeholder Event.

​For all CSCA Exams (Part I – III) auditors are encouraged to consult with their Member Firm to confirm eligibility to sit for each exam. Please ensure you follow the guidance in the Auditor Handbook to notify APSCA prior to enrolling for the exam. 

CSCA Exams Part I – II available in four Languages from 2 January 2020 (English, Spanish, Simplified & Traditional Chinese).

APSCA Auditor Enrollments
During December, the total number of enrolled auditors reaching 4,145 reflecting 30% year on year growth.  

Membership Application Process
APSCA’s Audit Firm Membership Application process was formally released last November. Details can be found on our website.  All applications should be sent to

Reminder:  ALL members who joined APSCA between 2015 – 2018 MUST reapply before June 2020.

Happy Holidays!
On behalf of everyone at APSCA, we extend our very best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and hope 2020 will be a fabulous year for all!

-The APSCA Team 

As we enter the holiday season 23 December through to 5 January, our APSCA Team will be running with limited staff, so responses to messages may be delayed. We appreciate your understanding. 

Our monthly newsletter now reaches over 2,300 subscribers each month!
We encourage our Member Firms to have their auditors subscribe to APSCA’s newsletter to stay up to date here. Further, if you have a friend or colleague that may be interested in APSCA please share this newsletter with them via the link below.

APSCA Newsletter November 2019

30/11/2019 - No Comments

During November, CSCA examinations culminated in the delivery of our first Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCA); a significant milestone in APSCA’s development and that of the CSCA program which commenced through a staged release from November 2017.

In further reinforcing our commitment to the integrity of our Membership initiatives, the Disciplinary and Appeals Boards met to address various allegations of misconduct with a range of sanctions imposed for substantiated cases.

In approaching the close of 2019, we look forward to our Annual General Meeting and Stakeholder Event in December; an opportunity to celebrate the year’s achievements and share our vision for 2020 and beyond.

Register Now – APSCA Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event
Please join us in celebrating APSCA’s 2019 achievements and strengthen your connection with industry peers. We look forward to announcing and congratulating our first round of Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCAs) at our Stakeholder Event. 

Location: Shenzhen, China  
December 11, 2019 Meeting and Event Schedule 

  • 10:00am – 12pm   Annual General Meeting (APSCA Members Only)
  • 1:30pm – 5pm       Stakeholder Event (Open to All Interested Parties) 

Both events will be held on December 11, 2019 in Shenzhen, China. 

Travel and transport tips are available on the Annual General Meeting Registration web page

Announcing Pathway 3 – Competency Framework Update 
APSCA’s latest version of the Competency Framework (available here) now includes a third pathway in which Member Auditors can qualify for Registered Level Auditor (RA) status. 

Please refer to our Competency Framework for a detailed outline of required qualifications to be considered eligible for RA status through Pathway 3. 

Disciplinary & Appeals Board Updates 
Following the initial meeting of the Disciplinary Board in August, further cases were subject to review during November. In addition, one case was referred to the Appeals Board. A summary of determinations is provided below:

APSCA is Hiring!
Are you interested in a challenge?  Keen to be part of a dynamic yet small team? We’re hiring and would like to hear from you. 

Click below to learn more about current openings and opportunities at APSCA. 

Current Openings 
Certification Coordinator 
Location: Remote

Code & Compliance Manager 
Location: Remote 

Reminder – Now on the Website – Use of APSCA Number (Member Auditor Guide)
To help inform and support our Members with the proper use of Member Auditor’s APSCA Number, this guide addresses key uses of an Auditor’s membership number as noted under APSCA’s Code and Standards of Professional Conduct and Competency Framework.

​Learn more here.

CSCA Exam Part I 
A total of 1,641 CSCA Part I exams have been completed to date with the pass rate remaining at 81%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 13% of scheduled exams have not been completed. Of these uncompleted exams, some 57% were due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam) and 39% due to IT issues.

The rate of examination completion for 2019 has been particularly encouraging and will provide a strong foundation for further certification in 2020. A further update on the CSCA examination program will be provided at our upcoming Annual General Meeting.

CSCA Exam Part II
A total of 114 CSCA Part II exams have been completed with a pass rate of 66%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 7% of scheduled exams have not been completed due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam) and or IT issues.

​The CSCA Exam Part II (English) launched 21 September 2019. Auditors are encouraged to consult with their Member Firm to confirm eligibility to sit for the [Part II (English)] exam. Please ensure you follow the guidance in the Auditor Handbook to notify APSCA and register for the exam. 

You can start booking your Part II (Simplified Chinese and Spanish) exam to be set 1 January 2020 on.

CSCA Exam Part III
We are pleased to announce completion of the initial round of the CSCA Part III examinations has delivered our first Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCA) during November. Now representing approximately 1% of our Auditor Membership, we look forward to formally presenting the new CSCAs at our Stakeholder Event in December. 

Results of the Part III examinations are provided below:

APSCA Auditor Enrollments
During October, the total number of enrolled auditors exceeded 4,100 with 67% Registered Level Auditors (RA)32% Associate Social Compliance Auditors (ASCA) and now including 1% Certified Social Compliance Auditors (CSCA). 

A snapshot of APSCA’s Membership will be provided at our Annual General Meeting in December.

Membership Application Process
APSCA’s Audit Firm Membership Application process was formally released last November. Details can be found on our website.  All applications should be sent to

Reminder:  ALL members who joined APSCA between 2015 – 2018 MUST reapply before June 2020.

FAQs – Helpful Resources on the Website  
Be sure to check out APSCA’s newly updated FAQ page. Have a question? We’ve got answers here.  
Don’t see a question/ answer you’re looking for? Contact us at 

APSCA Out and About 
 3 December – Sedex ACC Workshop (London, UK) 
10 December – APSCA Stakeholder and Executive Board Meeting (Shenzhen, China)
11 December – APSCA’s Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event (Shenzhen, China) 
12 December – APSCA Executive Board Meeting (Shenzhen, China) 
12 December – Sedex ACC Workshop (Shenzhen, China) 

Our monthly newsletter now reaches over 2,300 subscribers each month! We encourage our Member Firms to have their auditors subscribe to APSCA’s newsletter to stay up to date here. Further, if you have a friend or colleague that may be interested in APSCA please share this newsletter with them via the link below.

Share with my colleagues!

APSCA Newsletter October 2019

31/10/2019 - No Comments

​In anticipation of the upcoming Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event, October offered yet another milestone with commencement of the CSCA Part III Examination Pilot. APSCA Member Services Manager, Kelly-Jo Potts commented “The CSCA Part III Examination Pilot reflects a significant step in APSCA’s development; it [the examination] is set to deliver our first ever Certified Social Compliance Auditors in December while Part I and Part II completion rates offer a strong foundation for continuing momentum”.

Auditor enrollments increased to over 4,060 during the month and we were pleased to welcome a new provisional Member Firm, EUROFINS | AQM.

Further highlights below.

Register Now – APSCA Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Event
Please join us in celebrating APSCA’s 2019 achievements and strengthen your connection with industry peers. 

Location: Shenzhen, China  
December 11, 2019 Meeting and Event Schedule 

  • 10:00am – 12pm   Annual General Meeting (APSCA Members Only)
  • 1:30pm – 5pm       Stakeholder Event (Open to All Interested Parties) 

Both events will be held on December 11, 2019 in Shenzhen, China. 

More details are available here

Now on the Website – Use of APSCA Number (Member Auditor Guide)
To help inform and support our Member Auditors with the proper use of their APSCA Number, this brief guide addresses key uses of an Auditor’s membership number as noted under APSCA’s Code and Standards of Professional Conduct and Competency Framework.

To learn more, click here.

Provisional Member Announcement
We are pleased to welcome one new provisional Member Firm: EUROFINS | AQM.

Congratulations our newest APSCA Member Firm on your commitment to the realization of APSCA’s mission “To Enhance the Professionalism and Credibility of individuals and organisations performing independent social compliance audits”.

For information on Firm Membership definitions and how your Firm can commence the application process please visit our website.   

Membership Application Process
APSCA’s Audit Firm Membership Application process was formally released last November. Details can be found on our website.  All applications should be sent to

Reminder:  ALL members who joined APSCA between 2015 – 2018 MUST reapply before June 2020.

CSCA Exam Part III Pilot & Soft Launch 
As APSCA continues to advance towards having certified social compliance auditors (CSCA) we are excited to announce that we are currently piloting the third and final portion of the CSCA exam with approximately 50 auditors representing 24 firms. This pilot started 15 October and will conclude 13 November. 

During mid-October, the team were in Alabama conducting the initial round of auditor interviews participating in the Part III exam pilot. APSCA will continue conducting a soft launch of Part III over the course of the coming weeks with an additional 5 interviewers, located in 5 different countries to cater for our diverse auditor community.  Results will be shared at the Stakeholder Event in December. 

Above Left: APSCA Team at ProctorU mid-October, onsite (Left to Right); Kelly – Jo Potts (APSCA Member Services Manager), Kara Chan (Exam Development & Implementation Team Member), Tara Holeman (Exam Development & Implementation Team Member) and Rona Starr (APSCA President & CEO). Above Right: CSCA exam remote testing session

Above: The ProctorU Testing Room where the proctors monitor and manage APSCA exams

Above: While in Alabama, the APSCA Team celebrated Tara’s birthday with a surprise early morning breakfast at the Waffle House. A fun start to our day of piloting! (Left to Right; clockwise) – Kelly – Jo Potts (APSCA Member Services Manager), Tara Holeman (Exam Development & Implementation Team Member), Rona Starr (APSCA President & CEO) and Kara Chan (Exam Development & Implementation Team Member).

APSCA Webinars 
APSCA hosted three informational webinars on September 4/5 to inform and answer questions from our Member and stakeholders regarding the CSCA exams and APSCA’s Code and Standards of Professional Conduct. 

To view a copy of the webinar presentation with speaker notes, Q&A summary, and recording of the presentation, please visit our website – APSCA’s newsletter updates here

CSCA Exam Part I 
A total of 1,575 CSCA Part I exams have been completed to date with the pass rate holding at 81%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 12% of scheduled exams have not been completed. Of these uncompleted exams, some 57% were due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam) and 38% due to IT issues.

CSCA Exam Part II
A total of 106 CSCA Part II exams have been completed, with a pass rate of 67%. Since examinations commenced, approximately 6% of scheduled exams have not been completed with the majority due to participant forfeiture (failure to present for exam).

The CSCA Exam Part II (English) launched 21 September 2019. Auditors are encouraged to consult with their Member Firm to confirm eligibility to sit for the [Part II (English)] exam. Please ensure you follow the guidance in the Auditor Handbook to notify APSCA and register for the exam. 

We will announce when Part II (Simplified Chinese and Spanish) are ready for booking.

APSCA Auditor Enrollments
During October, the total number of enrolled auditors reached over 4,060 with 67% Registered Level Auditors (RA) and 33% Associate Social Compliance Auditors (ASCA).

We are also pleased to report the enrolled Auditor cohort comprises 42% female, 58% male and 0.07% other (Note values may not add up due to rounding).

FAQs – Helpful Resources on the Website  
Be sure to check out APSCA’s newly updated FAQ page. Have a question? We’ve got answers here.  
Don’t see a question/ answer you’re looking for? Contact us at 

APSCA Out and About 
November 12 – APSCA speaking at Intertek: Action Against Modern Slavery (Ethical Sourcing Forum) –  Sydney, AU

Tickets are available here.

Our monthly newsletter now reaches over 2,300 subscribers each month! We encourage our Member Firms to have their auditors subscribe to APSCA’s newsletter to stay up to date here. Further, if you have a friend or colleague that may be interested in APSCA please share this newsletter with them via the link below.

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