APSCA Newsletter – July 2018

August 8, 2018

Increasing auditor enrolments during July provided exciting insight into the diversity of APSCA’s Membership, representing 62 different countries and 48 different languages

The significance of this reach and potential accessibility reflects a substantial opportunity to contribute to the improvement of workplace conditions throughout global supply chains. It is encouraging of our mission; to increase the value and effectiveness of independent social compliance audits by enhancing the professionalism, consistency and credibility of individuals and organisations performing them.

Auditor Enrolments
During July, Auditor enrolments increased substantially with over 2,600 Auditors now fully enrolled.

APSCA have also developed an online facility for the validation of Member Auditor credentials. The facility will be available via our website and is scheduled for release by Q4, 2018. This facility will allow public validation of an Auditor’s Level, Membership Number and Status and Identity (via a photograph) by input of the Auditor’s surname and APSCA Membership Number.  It will not provide a list of APSCA Member Auditors but allows the validation of individual Auditors.    

The online facility will form a notable resource for audit clientele and will further foster confidence in the credibility of our growing industry.

We encourage our Member Firms to have their auditor’s subscribe to APSCA’s newsletter to stay up to date here. Further, if you have a friend or colleague that may be interested in APSCA please share this newsletter with them via the link below.
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Of the 2,600+ Auditors who have completed their online enrolment, 75% are ready to start the CSCA exam process and have been assigned the ‘Registered’ auditor level. These auditors are located in 62 different countries with advanced written language competency across 48 different languages.

As we prepare to start the written exams, we have identified that 95% of the auditors are covered by 11 languages with the remaining 5% representing 37 different languages. Ten languages were notably represented by a single auditor.

We are currently finalising the exam format and are completing a workplace assessment of the organisation identified to facilitate the exam process. 

The CSCA exam is on track for launch during Q4, 2018.

Account Administration
Auditor accounts and related Memberships are recorded independent of Member Firms. As such, an individual auditor’s account details and membership number stays with them wherever they work. 

Apart from adding or removing connection to a firm, account changes will only be accepted by notification from the Auditor. To this end, Auditors are reminded to keep their account details up-to-date with any changes to be emailed to the APSCA Data Administrator at data.administrator@theapsca.org.  It is recommended, Auditors provide an alternate (personal) email address in their profile by emailing data.administrator@theapsca.org if they have not already done so.  

Firms are encouraged to incorporate confirmation of ASPCA Auditor Membership during their onboarding processes to facilitate Auditor linking. Equivalently, firms should also develop an offboarding process to ensure severance of connections within the APSCA database as required. Member Firms should notify the Data Administrator of any changes to member connections via data.administrator@theapsca.org.

These measures are necessary to support the integrity of the information within the APSCA data system. This will allow accurate review of:  

  • Auditor examinations and results
  • Any allegations or confirmed breaches of adherence to APSCA’s Code of Professional Conduct
  • Status of membership fees 

My Auditors App
The APSCA My Auditors App has been released providing Member Firms with the ability to view their Auditors’ information and assigned auditor level. Member Firms are now requesting, if required, auditor level re-assessments via the APSCA review of auditor logs. This is in preparation for the CSCA exam which is expected for launch in Q4, 2018.

Member Firm Application Process Pilot
APSCA Membership engenders a commitment to continuously enhance the professionalism and credibility of the social compliance industry in accordance with the principles of our Code of Professional Conduct.

Respective of this commitment, APSCA have been focused on the development of an application process which will reinforce the values and professional integrity to which all APSCA Members have been endorsed and will continue to be held accountable.

A pilot application process is under evaluation with a further update to be provided in the August Newsletter.

CSR Asia Summit in Hong Kong | 18 – 19 September 2018

CSR Asia, an ELEVATE company, hosts CSR Asia Summit in Hong Kong this September. For the 12th year running, CSR Asia Summit is Asia’s leading event for bringing together key stakeholders to share knowledge and best practice in sustainability. This year’s programme explores how transparency, integrity and impact can be applied across sustainability initiatives within business, communities and supply chains to enable growth and drive performance. The Summit is expected to attract 500 delegates from 30 countries. 

In 2018, we are including a full track across the two-day Summit to address the responsible sourcing and supply chain management expertise of The ELEVATE Leadership Series – Hong Kong. 

Our President and CEO Rona Starr joins ELEVATE CEO Ian Spaulding for a key supply chain session, Global Trends in Responsible Sourcing 2018. In addition, APSCA Executive Board member and ELEVATE SVP, Dr. Kevin Franklin, will conduct responsible sourcing introductory training during pre-Summit training sessions on 17 September. 

Register soon – the early bird discount ends on 26 July! 



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